What Make You
Feel Excluded?

Every voice finds comfort here, no matter how trivial your experience may seem. We provides a safe space for you to unravel the nuances of inclusion.

How Does It

This program provides a platform for individuals to share their experiences of exclusion in a safe and supportive environment. Whether through video submissions or an anonymous link, participants are encouraged to voice the moments that have impacted their sense of belonging.
Every last Saturday of the month, we come together to listen, learn, and empathize with these shared experiences.
Join us on this journey of reflection, understanding, and empowerment.

What Makes You Feel Excluded?

Guidelines And

  • You must be 18 years or older to participate in the Inclusive Talks "What Makes You Feel Excluded?" Program.
  • Participating in the Inclusive Talks "What Makes You Feel Excluded?" Program is entirely voluntary.
  • Experiences promoting hate, violence, or any social vice will be disqualified.
  • We encourage you to avoid sharing false experiences as it defeats the purpose of this program.
  • Inclusive Talks reserves the right alter these terms and conditions when they see fit.

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